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Welcome to the World of William Joseph Nazareth Jr.
Director | Sculptor | Producer | Painter | Writer | Photographer | Illustrator | Editor | Campaign Creator
If I’m not creating or making something then I’m just not happy. Every element of making art in all of its forms brings me joy – from conceptualizing an idea, to the process of creating the product and seeing my visions come to life, to sharing it with the world and admiring the final project.
As an artist I love using non-traditional materials to create my own versions of beauty and fantasy. I’m inspired by race, culture, science-fiction, comic books, family, friends, fashion and religion. I’m intrigued by exploring how varying materials can be manipulated into representations of the images and creatures floating around in my mind.
As a director, photographer, producer, campaign creator and editor I love exploring all of the genres accessible through moving and still images. Sketch comedy allows me to share my sometimes inappropriate humor. Films, documentaries, and web-series allow me to tell the stories I feel should be told through the creation of new and exciting worlds from the depths of my imagination. The varying projects I work on in the public health and social justice realms allows me to educate and share important messages that have meaning and impact and highlight the communities who have been ignored for far too long. And most importantly I love the art of piecing together a final project that is visually appealing, stimulating, and thought-provoking.
This website is a home for my imagination made real. A sort of digital gallery of my work and projects.
Enjoy it. And visit often for updates, changes and access to an ever growing list of completed and ongoing projects and pieces.